Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 4 - Deliberations and Judgment

Day 4 Closing arguments and Deliberations

So after another restless night, we pile into the jury room at 9 am. I can tell by looking around the room that not too many of us got much good sleep last nite. It is very quiet since everyone wants to talk about the trial, but we are not allowed to yet.

At about 9:30 am we are called into the court for closing arguments.

The State is first and Mr. Moody goes step by step through the evidence and the facts of the case. He also restates the testimony of key witnesses. It was rather short maybe 30 mins.

The Defense is second and Mr. Hill repeats “Lack of Evidence” about 10 or 12 times during his remarks. There is no gun. There is no truck. There are no fingerprints. There is no DNA. The reason is because Mr. Outlaw was NOT there the night of the crime. And the witnesses are all covering up for their own involvement.

Why didn’t the State arrest JT who drove the truck ? Why didn’t the State test the “spit” for the DNA of JT or others involved in the crime ? There are more questions than answer.

Reasonable Doubt. Lack of Evidence. Shabby detective work.

The main piece in the case is the cell phone and he once again explains how easy it is to lose a cell phone. We have ALL done it. It slips out of our pockets. We loan it to a friend. We lay it down and someone else grabs it. Did the witnesses plant it at the scene ? Are they framing Outlaw to cover their own tracks.

Look at the witnesses testimonies. How many times did they misspeak and had to retell their stories ? How many times did they say, oh I got that wrong at the deposition and now it is right ?
How many times did they contradict each other ?

Reasonable Doubt. Lack of Evidence.

Then the State came back.

It comes down to who do you believe. There are four witnesses who say Outlaw did it and bragged about it. They say that Outlaw has a gun that they needed to get rid of. His own cousin who Outlaws says he loves and loves him back, testify that Mr. Outlaw came running to him that morning after the killing, that he had a gun and that he was sweaty and pacing back and forth and you asked “did you kill someone ?”. The cousin who recommended that Mr. Outlaw flee and go to Panama City and get rid of the gun. IT was the cousin who called the police and said he knew who had killed and murdered Jerry Smith. Mr. Outlaw.

It is JT who puts Mr. Outlaw at the crime scene that night and says Mr. Outlaw has a gun. It is Mr, Outlaw’s phone that is left at crime scene. The cell phone having Mr. Oulaw’s finger prints.

The other witnesses testified how Mr. Outlaw asked them to rid of the gun. They testified that Mr. Outlaw who bragged about killing Jerry Smith.

Why would these four witnesses conspire to frame Mr. Outlaw ? Why would the cousin who loves him, frame his best friend ?

The only logical conclusion is that Mr. Outlaw shot and killed Jerry Smith and he lied on the stand. You should find him kill of 1st degree murder.

Then all of a sudden. The trial was over. The judge said they have bought lunch for us and we are to start to deliberate as soon as he finishes putting together his instructions for us.

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